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HHLA opens hydrogen test field in the Port of Hamburg

Ham­bur­ger Hafen und Logis­tik AG (HHLA) ope­ned the first test field for hydro­gen-powered port logi­stics as well as the cor­re­spon­ding hydro­gen refuel­ling sta­ti­on in the Port of Ham­burg today. The test field at the Con­tai­ner Ter­mi­nal Tol­ler­ort (CTT) is ano­ther mile­stone on the path to decar­bo­ni­s­ing logi­stics. Tog­e­ther with its part­ner com­pa­nies from the Clean Port & Logi­stics clus­ter, HHLA is test­ing the relia­bi­li­ty of hydro­gen to sup­p­ly hea­vy goods vehic­les during operations.

Ange­la Titz­rath, Chief Exe­cu­ti­ve Offi­cer of HHLA, ope­ned the test field today tog­e­ther with Dr Mela­nie Leon­hard, Sena­tor for Eco­no­my and Inno­va­ti­on of the Free and Han­sea­tic City of Ham­burg, Chris­ti­an Maaß, Direc­tor of Heat, Hydro­gen & Effi­ci­en­cy in the Fede­ral Minis­try for Eco­no­mic Affairs and Cli­ma­te Action, Ant­je Roß, Mana­ger Port Net­works and Appli­ca­ti­ons, NOW GmbH and Dr Luci­en Robr­oek, Pre­si­dent of Tech­no­lo­gy Solu­ti­ons Divi­si­on of Hys­ter-Yale Mate­ri­als Hand­ling, by suc­cessful­ly fil­ling a hydro­gen-powered trac­tor unit.

Ange­la Titz­rath, CEO of HHLA: “We’re plea­sed to open the first test field for hydro­gen-powered port logi­stics today. It enables us to test future tech­no­lo­gies, gather valuable data and eva­lua­te the results. In this way, we are sha­ping the sus­tainable future of logi­stics and con­ti­nuing to invest in inno­va­ti­ve tech­no­lo­gies. We are sha­ring our fin­dings with com­pa­nies facing simi­lar chal­lenges in order to deve­lop cli­ma­te-fri­end­ly trans­port solu­ti­ons tog­e­ther. Our objec­ti­ve is clear: We want to decar­bo­ni­se the logi­stics sec­tor and achie­ve our tar­get of cli­ma­te-neu­tral ope­ra­ti­ons throug­hout the Group by 2040.”

Dr Vol­ker Wis­sing, Fede­ral Minis­ter for Digi­tal and Trans­port: “With Clean Port & Logi­stics, a light­house pro­ject for the use of hydro­gen in port logi­stics has been crea­ted at the Port of Ham­burg. From for­k­lift trucks to trac­tor units and trucks – the hydro­gen infra­struc­tu­re we are fun­ding here is paving the way for cli­ma­te-fri­end­ly logi­stics on site. I hope that the hydro­gen test field will have a strong signal­ling effect thanks to the com­mit­ment of the port play­ers. This is the only way we will suc­ceed in making logi­stics in Ger­ma­ny climate-friendly.”

Dr Mela­nie Leon­hard, Sena­tor for Eco­no­my and Inno­va­ti­on: “The ope­ning is an important step for the Port of Ham­burg. In future, it will enable the use of hydro­gen-powered hea­vy goods vehic­les at the ter­mi­nals and bey­ond. The poten­ti­al for the Port of Ham­burg and the logi­stics sec­tor is signi­fi­cant – for exam­p­le, trucks that regu­lar­ly come to the Port of Ham­burg can also bene­fit from such an infra­struc­tu­re in the future. The test field helps us to gain important expe­ri­ence in this area. HHLA and its part­ners are thus con­ti­nuing to dri­ve for­ward the trans­for­ma­ti­on and decar­bo­niza­ti­on of hand­ling and trans­port processes.”

Dr Luci­en Robr­oek, Pre­si­dent of Tech­no­lo­gy Solu­ti­ons Divi­si­on at Hys­ter-Yale Mate­ri­als Hand­ling: “Hys­ter is a pio­neer in the deve­lo­p­ment of elec­tric hea­vy-duty trucks inclu­ding con­tai­ner hand­ling vehic­les powered by Nuve­ra® fuel cells. We are exci­ted to be working with HHLA to unco­ver new pos­si­bi­li­ties and lear­nings as we begin test­ing the Hys­ter® hydro­gen fuel cell-powered ter­mi­nal trac­tor in a live port appli­ca­ti­on. We con­ti­nue to col­la­bo­ra­te with for­ward thin­king ope­ra­ti­ons that are keen to explo­re new solu­ti­ons as part of their jour­ney towards both sus­taina­bi­li­ty and efficiency.”

With the ope­ning of the test field and inau­gu­ra­ti­on of the hydro­gen refuel­ling sta­ti­on, the requi­red infra­struc­tu­re is now rea­dy to speed up the tran­si­ti­on to emis­si­ons-free hea­vy goods logi­stics and port ope­ra­ti­ons, and to dri­ve for­ward the decar­bo­ni­sa­ti­on of logi­stics. Equip­ment such as stradd­le car­ri­ers, emp­ty con­tai­ner sta­ckers, for­k­lift trucks, reach sta­ckers, trac­tor units and trucks can be effi­ci­ent­ly fil­led to 350 bar with green hydro­gen. The refuel­ling sta­ti­on will be open to the public and thus also offers other com­pa­nies the oppor­tu­ni­ty to test cli­ma­te-fri­end­ly trans­port solu­ti­ons. The check-in at the ter­mi­nal requi­res regis­tra­ti­on in the pas­si­fy app. You can find more infor­ma­ti­on here.

Sin­ce 2022 HHLA has been working tog­e­ther with more than 40 part­ner com­pa­nies from around the world in the Clean Port & Logi­stics clus­ter. The com­mon goal is to deve­lop solu­ti­ons to bring hydro­gen-powered hea­vy goods vehic­les and ter­mi­nal equip­ment to mar­ket quick­ly as well as to put in place the mea­su­res neces­sa­ry for their use. The con­cepts deve­lo­ped by the working groups for ope­ra­ti­on, safe­ty, main­ten­an­ce, refuel­ling and sup­p­ly are tes­ted and opti­mi­sed in prac­ti­cal ope­ra­ti­on in the test field at CTT. The first tri­als have been con­duc­ted at the refuel­ling sta­ti­on with equip­ment from Hys­ter-Yale, VWG Olden­burg and CMB.TECH’s hydro­gen truck over the past few weeks. Their col­la­bo­ra­ti­on in CPL helps the com­pa­nies on the way to decar­bo­ni­s­ing their pro­ces­ses and making meaningful, cli­ma­te-fri­end­ly invest­ments as they com­pi­le the neces­sa­ry infor­ma­ti­on and prac­ti­cal experience. 

The clus­ter as well as the refuel­ling sta­ti­on recei­ved fun­ding of appro­xi­m­ate­ly three mil­li­on euros from the Fede­ral Minis­try for Digi­tal and Trans­port as part of a natio­nal inno­va­ti­on pro­gram­me for hydro­gen and fuel cell tech­no­lo­gy. The fun­ding gui­de­lines are coor­di­na­ted by NOW GmbH and imple­men­ted by Pro­ject Manage­ment Jülich (PTJ). 

As part of the “Balan­ced Logi­stics” sus­taina­bi­li­ty stra­tegy, HHLA is aiming to beco­me cli­ma­te-neu­tral throug­hout the Group by 2040. To achie­ve this, HHLA has been rely­ing on the elec­tri­fi­ca­ti­on of its pro­ces­ses and equip­ment across Euro­pe for many years. Hydro­gen could make a signi­fi­cant con­tri­bu­ti­on to the fur­ther decar­bo­ni­sa­ti­on of logi­stics. In addi­ti­on to using hydro­gen for its hea­vy goods equip­ment, HHLA is also acti­ve in the field of import and dis­tri­bu­ti­on. With its exten­si­ve Euro­pean net­work of sea­port ter­mi­nals and inter­mo­dal con­nec­tions, HHLA is very well equip­ped to take advan­ta­ge of the oppor­tu­ni­ties in hydro­gen import and transportation.

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