Our partners
In order to gain as much know-how as possible from our hydrogen cluster, innovative companies from different industrial sectors support us.

ADNOC is a leading diversified energy group taking transformative steps to make today’s energy cleaner while investing in the clean energies of tomorrow. Our network of fully-integrated businesses operates across the energy value chain, helping us to responsibly meet the demands of an ever-changing energy market. ADNOC is an integrated energy company wholly owned by the Government of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.
ADNOC is pioneering the development of the hydrogen economy by investing in its production across the spectrum and partnering with governments, technology providers and customers to establish a global hydrogen value chain and drive supply and demand. Together with partners across the value chain, we are advancing practical, sustainable and innovative solutions to accelerate the energy transition.

Air Liquide is a world leader in gases, technologies and services for industry and healthcare. Headquartered in Paris, France, the Group supplies more than 100,000 customers and 200,000 patients in Germany, including international companies in the steelmaking, chemical, automotive, food, research, pharmaceutical and semiconductor industries, as well as small and medium-sized companies and craft businesses.
Air Liquide has extensive and long-standing expertise in the field of hydrogen: Air Liquide masters the entire hydrogen value chain from production, storage and distribution to the development of applications for industrial end users, thus contributing to the comprehensive use of hydrogen as a clean chemical feedstock and energy carrier. With over 50 years of experience, Air Liquide is a world leader in the handling of liquid hydrogen.
Air Liquide is a pioneer in hydrogen refueling solutions for all modes of transportation. In Germany, as a founding partner of the H2 MOBILITY joint venture, Air Liquide is playing a leading role in the development of a nationwide public hydrogen filling station network and is also active in numerous standardization committees in the field of hydrogen and fuel cell technology. In addition to the already established GtG filling stations, which can be installed from 2024 with a capacity of up to 4 tpd, Air Liquide is currently working on solutions for large filling stations (up to 2 tpd) that process liquid hydrogen.
Air Liquide is building the 20-megawatt (MW) Trailblazer electrolyzer for the production of renewable hydrogen at the Oberhausen site. The Trailblazer will be connected to Air Liquide’s existing hydrogen pipeline to supply renewable hydrogen to key industries and zero-emission mobility on the Rhine and Ruhr.

Air Products (NYSE:APD) is a leading global industrial gases company that has been in business for nearly 80 years. The company supplies customers from a wide range of industrial sectors with technical gases – from individual gas cylinders and tanks to plants for on-site gas generation. The head office of the German Air Products GmbH is located in Hattingen an der Ruhr, NRW.
Supporting the energy transition with hydrogen is the clear objective of Air Products. As the world’s largest hydrogen supplier, we aim to help support the energy transition with hydrogen, minimise carbon emissions and reduce dependence on finite energy resources by producing and distributing clean hydrogen energy solutions for use in heavy-duty vehicles, fuel cell buses, trains, industrial applications and energy storage.
Air Products is a fixture in the north, as we have been supplying hydrogen to customers in the northern German region from Stade for many years. To make the vision of hydrogen-based mobility a reality, Air Products works closely with European and local decision-makers and partners. We support companies in the simple and safe conversion to hydrogen, especially in the field of mobility.

Airbus Protect is a subsidiary of Airbus that pools expertise in the areas of cybersecurity, safety and sustainability. As a risk management company, Airbus Protect offers comprehensive consulting services, training and software solutions. Airbus Protect is already a trusted partner of customers not only in aerospace and high-tech manufacturing, but also in industries such as mobility, energy and utilities, financial services, critical infrastructure, public services and defense. Airbus Protect brings together more than 1,600 employees in Germany, France, England, Spain and Belgium, whose goal is to go beyond compliance with customers and create a trusted path to the future together.
Airbus Protect supports companies in the implementation of hydrogen projects by helping them to manage and reduce the associated risks and thus improve sustainability. Airbus Protect’s expertise in hydrogen covers the entire value chain – from production and transportation to storage and integrated applications.
Through its involvement in groups such as the Clean Port & Logistics Cluster, Airbus Protect aims to help steer the industry-wide discussion on hydrogen safety.

ArianeGroup is lead contractor for civil and defense space launcher systems, responsible for the design and the entire production process of Europe’s Ariane 6. Internationally recognized for its innovative, competitive solutions, ArianeGroup has expertise in all aspects of state-of-the-art space propulsion technologies. ArianeGroup and its subsidiaries also offer their specialist skills in space equipment, services, space surveillance, and critical infrastructure to benefit other industrial sectors. ArianeGroup operates two sites in northern Germany (Bremen and Faßberg), two in southern Germany and several sites in France.
Our company has more than 40 years of experience in liquid hydrogen. ArianeGroup is present in heavy mobility sectors such as aeronautics (among other participating in the ZEROe program), automotive and maritime sectors. ArianeGroup is innovating and providing access to space technology for your hydrogen mobility projects. We manage hydrogen distribution, storage and safety. We design develop and test your cryogenic solutions and infrastructure.
It would be the occasion for ArianeGroup to be part of the future of maritime logistics and meet 40 actors engaged in the decarbonization.

BEHALA is the operator of Berlin’s trimodal goods transport centres with a city centre location – WE ARE HAFEN! We ensure that the flow of trade reaches every citizen of Berlin and at the same time we are a partner for industry when it comes to transport solutions all over the world.
At the moment we are only using hydrogen in our pilot project ELEKTRA. BEHALA takes part in the cluster to determine if heavy handling equipment is operable with alternative drives and, if so, in what time horizon can it be acquired at a competitive price.

BTE specialises in the manufacture and development of hydrogen filling stations and applies hydrogen fuel cells in small-scale mobility. The company is based in Korea and manufactures hydrogen fuel stations with 350 bar and 700 bar. To revitalise the hydrogen economy, hydrogen fuel cells are combined with UGVs
BTE uses hydrogen in the following ways:
Fuelling hydrogen for 350~400Bar mobility (forklift, tractor etc.)
Fuelling hydrogen for 700Bar mobility (truck etc.)
Refuelling hydrogen into cylinders (drone, UGV etc.)
We joined the cluster to test the performance of our products and to use different product lines such as the hydrogen-powered fuel cell vehicle Patrol UGV in test fields with different infrastructure configurations using hydrogen. We are also thinking of entering the European hydrogen market with this membership.

CMB (Compagnie Maritime Belge) is a diversified shipping and logistics group based in Antwerp, Belgium. CMB owns and operates 150 seagoing vessels in dry bulk (Bocimar), container transport (Delphis), chemical tankers (Bochem) & crew transfer vessels (Windcat). CMB is also active in cleantech (CMB.TECH) and real estate (MCA Facilities, Maritime Campus Antwerp). CMB has offices in Tokyo, Singapore, Hong Kong, Germany (Hamburg), UK (Lowestoft and Brentwood) and The Netherlands (Amsterdam).
CMB.TECH is a cleantech company that builds, owns, operates & designs large marine and industrial applications that run on hydrogen and ammonia. CMB.TECH also offers hydrogen and ammonia fuel to its customers, either through own production or by sourcing it from third party producers.
We are already using hydrogen in our marine and industrial applications within the concept of dual-fuel operations. Our projects are spread around the globe which makes us look for hydrogen supply globally.
We believe the cluster offers a great opportunity to test and present industrial applications running on hydrogen and at the same time extending our network of partners and potential customers. Further to that, we need more real-life projects being launched to finally kick off the energy transition and bring hydrogen to the industry. The cluster and its members would form an important part to reach this goal in Germany but also in Europe.

CMR Container Maintenance Repair Hamburg GmbH is a subsidiary of Hapag Lloyd AG based in Hamburg. The company is an empty container depot for shipping companies and container leasing companies and serves the storage, repair, handling of sea containers as well as the purchase and sale of sea containers.
Hydrogen is to be used when manufacturers offer hydrogen-powered large-scale appliances.
The motivation is to use first-hand results of the cluster to make the best possible decision regarding the procurement of future large-scale equipment for our company as well as to obtain information regarding the refuelling of the equipment with hydrogen. Furthermore, we are interested in the exchange with other members.

Contargo is an internationally active logistics service provider that carries out transports between the seaports and the European hinterland in trimodal traffic with all the associated additional services (e.g. empty container depots and repair). Contargo transports around 2.1 million TEU per year in its network.
Contargo is investigating its use in inland waterway vessels and terminal vehicles, and within various sister companies also for trucks and rail vehicles. In addition, Contargo is interested in the topic of hydrogen in containers (handling, storage, transport).
The motivation to take part in the cluster is to gain more robust experience on the topics mentioned before and an exchange on dealing with (existing) regulation/ safety considerations.

Cuxport GmbH’s deep-water terminals are strategically ideally located for international transport routes: directly at the mouth of the Elbe, close to the Kiel Canal and a short distance from the mouth of the Weser. The multi-purpose terminal, which also regularly handles deep-sea vessels, also offers lo-lo services for containers, forest products and project cargoes, as well as storage and logistics solutions.
As of today, the use of hydrogen does not yet play a role. In the future, we hope that the cluster will be able to come up with ideas and solutions for operating the industrial trucks, primarily the terminal tractors, with hydrogen. The aim of participating in the cluster is to contribute to achieving our environmental goals, such as the careful use of resources to minimise residues, waste, polluting emissions and waste water.

The CTD Container-Transport-Dienst GmbH has specialised in container trucking in one of the largest container hubs in the world. With technological innovations, CTD succeeds in optimising logistical processes and accelerating transports. In addition, containers are dispatched throughout Germany and also throughout Europe. Most of these are pure truck transports, but partial routes are covered by inland waterway vessel or train. As a partner in combined transport, CTD also specialises in first and last mile logistics in the hinterland. Branches in various German economic centres ensure that customers are optimally served locally.
Currently, there is no use of hydrogen, but the CTD would like to use hydrogen as an alternative to conventional fuels in the commercial vehicles used in the future. Dealing with the future use of alternative drive concepts is certainly one of the challenges of the time. At the same time, participation in the cluster can provide an answer to the need for climate-neutral transport services in the future. CTD has always been prepared to break new ground in the past and is pleased to have this opportunity to participate in the cluster.

Deutsche Umschlaggesellschaft Schiene-Straße is an infrastructure company with 24 terminals in Germany and we operated transhipment stations. Our know-how has not only been incorporated into existing transhipment facilities, but also into new terminals and various research and development projects.
We hope to use hydrogen for our terminal handling vehicles (forklifts and tractors). Sustainability-conscious and fossil-free future, swap diesel for hydrogen are the reasons for us to take part in the cluster.

The European Institute for Energy Research – EIFER – was founded in 2002 by EDF and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, with the legal structure of a European Economic Interest Grouping. Located in Karlsruhe, Germany, it is now recognised as an independent French-German research institute committed to its members and partners. With its applied research orientation, EIFER has been bridging the gap between science and industry for more than 20 years. In the context of the European energy transition, EIFER provides research-based innovative energy solutions for the sustainable growth of cities, local communities and industries.
We envision future-proof, low-carbon energy systems aligned with societal needs. We’re supporting the transition towards resilient and sustainable energy systems that can ensure carbon neutrality by delivering interdisciplinary scientific analyses and offering innovative solutions in close collaboration with our members EDF and KIT.
Low Carbon Hydrogen Systems are one of the four research fields of the Institute, and we investigate in particular the application of Hydrogen in various forms of mobility. As the coordinator of the H2SHIPS project (2019–2023), we have for instance promoted the use of Hydrogen for shipping and dived into the challenges of decarbonising the activities of ports. With our participation in the cluster, we aim at staying up-to-date on the development of H2-fueled mobile machinery.

EUROGATE is Europe’s leading shipping line-independent container terminal operator. The handling of containers at seaports is our core business. In addition to container handling, we offer a full range of “box”-related operations, from seaworthy packaging, to container depot services, container servicing and container repair. Our intermodal transport network links our sea terminals in northern and southern Europe with the major European economic areas.
We are not yet using hydrogen. We are planning to use hydrogen in combined heat and power plants within our facilities. Depending on the future development of the Container Handling Equipment and the availability of green hydrogen, hydrogen could be an option for future use in our container terminals.
All players in the industry face the same questions and we believe there will be solutions and it is easier, faster and cheaper to collaborate to find those solutions. We need to learn more about alternative fuels / e‑mobility and their application in “heavy” Container Handling Equipment.

Everfuel makes green hydrogen commercially available for zero-emission mobility and industry across Europe and offers competitive turnkey solutions for hydrogen supply and refuelling infrastructure. We own and operate green hydrogen infrastructure including production facilities, H2 trailers for distribution and H2 refuelling stations. We are a young, ambitious company headquartered in Herning, Denmark, operating in Norway, Denmark, Sweden, the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium, with plans to grow across Europe.
Everfuel is a green hydrogen company that produces, distributes and sells hydrogen to end users in the mobility and industrial sectors. Our customers include public transport companies, taxi companies and the Danish refinery in Fredericia.
The CPL cluster gives us the unique opportunity to work very closely together with our partners of tomorrow on the decarbonisation of logistics processes using hydrogen. As a provider of green hydrogen and the associated infrastructure, we expect the cluster to provide us with first-hand experience, challenges and also expectations for the vehicles to be tested, so that we can adapt our solutions even better to the needs of our customers. Our goal for the membership is to make it easier for interested companies to switch to an environmentally friendly alternative through sound insights from the field.

The Fraunhofer Center for Maritime Logistics and Services CML, based in Hamburg, develops and optimises processes and systems along the maritime supply chain. In practice-oriented research projects, we support private and public clients from the port, logistics and shipping sectors in initiating and realising innovations. Fraunhofer CML is based in Hamburg.
Hydrogen is a central part of applied research for the decarbonisation of ports and terminals. The Fraunhofer CML applies hydrogen-related knowledge to practical issues in the economy, especially in ports and terminals. For example, we simulate hydrogen supply chains to draw conclusions for investments in storage, transport containers or handling equipment.
Decarbonisation of ports and terminals is an important step towards a green future. Fraunhofer CML wants to support the partners in the development of market-ready, green solutions for ports and terminals with its tools and knowledge so that the transition can happen quickly.

Fundación Valenciaport is an Applied Research, Innovation & Training centre providing services to the port and logistics cluster. This initiative of the Port Authority of Valencia has enjoyed the collaboration of notable businesses, universities and institutions from the port community. Fundacion Valenciaport is located in Valencia (Spain).
Fundacion Valenciaport coordinates H2PORTS project. This project uses hydrogen for heavy-duty vehicles for container handling port operations. The Fundacion Valenciaport is keen to share findings and results from the H2PORTS project with the port community and explore further opportunities for the integration of hydrogen technologies in the port and maritime transport sector.

As a municipal company, Gasnetz Hamburg operates the natural gas network in Hamburg with around 600 employees. At the same time, the company is building the Hamburg Hydrogen Industrial Network in the south of Hamburg, initially with around 40 and later 60 kilometres of pipeline. The network will reach the energy-intensive industrial companies in the Hanseatic city from 2026 and at the same time offer opportunities for decarbonising port logistics. Connections to import terminals and the European long-distance hydrogen network are planned for HH-WIN.
As a distribution network operator, Gasnetz Hamburg will make green hydrogen available to Hamburg’s industry and port sector via HH-WIN. The Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg has ambitious climate targets. HH-WIN will already enable comprehensive decarbonisation by 2031. This will save around 1.3 million tonnes of annual CO2 emissions.
The hydrogen economy emerging in Hamburg encompasses the entire value chain of a climate-neutral sustainable energy supply. With HH-WIN, Gasnetz Hamburg is building the connecting infrastructure of pioneering projects here. In this way, Hamburg is seizing the opportunity to lead the way with green hydrogen as a model for other metropolises in Germany and the world. As a cluster, the players form a strong community that exchanges and bundles their needs and experiences in the emerging market.

GAYA is a French company that proposes keyturn gobal hydrogen solutions to decarbonize port ecosystem.
GAYA uses hydrogen in the port ecosystem (maritime and inland) for all heavy duties equipment: straddle carriers, RTG, mobile harbor cranes, stackers, waterways, trains, port services boat.
The motivation for GAYA to take part in the cluster is to develop partnerships and implement hydrogen branch in the port ecosystem towards a „zero emission“ port.

GLOBE Fuel Cell Systems is a GreenTech company from Stuttgart. We have made it our mission to support industry on its way to decarbonisation in a CO2-neutral future with green technology – Made in Germany. To this end, GLOBE develops CO2-emission-free, digitally networked fuel cell systems for various industrial applications such as intralogistics and in the marine sector.
In the first step, we are concentrating on the use of fuel cell technology for intralogistics vehicles. Our fuel cell unit specially developed for intralogistics – the GLOBE XLP80 – will be delivered to our customers from Q1 2023. In parallel, we are developing a fuel cell system for use in shipping in cooperation with a group from southern Germany.
The ecologically sustainable future is the greatest challenge of our generation. Hydrogen-powered fuel cell technology will be part of the solution. The pilot project at the cluster in the port of Hamburg is a great opportunity to show that ecological sustainability and economic sense can be combined.

As landlord, HPA is responsible for the management of the port of Hamburg. This includes land- and waterside infrastructure, safety within the port, management of sediments and port estate.
HPA supports the goal of establishing the entire green hydrogen value chain in the port of Hamburg. Through providing appropriate port area and infrastructure needed, HPA facilitates the implementation.
The project has a global coverage and network. We want to learn and gain knowledge within the network but also support when it comes to the framework of hydrogen applications.

The Hamburger Container- und Chassis-Reparatur-Gesellschaft (HCCR) is the expert in the field of Maintenance and Repair (M&R) related container services. The portfolio includes common depot services such as inspection, repairs and container cleaning. The company manufactures special steel structures and advises on the implementation of customer requirements. The trade with steel boxes of all kinds is also part of the range of services.
Terminal equipment plays a key role in port and terminal operations. To reduce emissions where electrification is difficult, hydrogen could be considered as an alternative option. In this context, it is important to prepare employees for the change through training and development opportunities.
At our empty container depot, there is already a lively exchange about the potential of using hydrogen as a fuel. Close networking with partners should make it possible to offer economical hydrogen solutions on the market. In the process, the usability in comparison to electrified equipment variants is continuously checked at the terminal.

Our company is called HCS Hamburger Container Service GmbH, we are a private empty container depot (repair, storage, fitting and cleaning of containers) and are located in Hamburg.
We do not use hydrogen yet. However, this alternative is of interest for company cars, transhipment vehicles, empty container forklifts (side frames and reach stackers), workshop forklifts (2.5 tonnes). We are trying to leave a greener footprint and become more sustainable in all areas of our company. The Port of Hamburg has the goal to become as climate neutral as possible by 2040.

HHLA Container Terminal Altenwerder is regarded as “state of the art” and is the first facility of its kind to operate on a climate-neutral basis. With its high degree of automation and compact layout, HHLA’s newest terminal points the way to the container handling of the future. State-of-the-art technology and innovative EDP systems ensure efficient unloading and loading, especially of large container ships. Since the terminal was commissioned in summer 2002, the volume of standard containers handled annually has grown rapidly to several million. The KTH container terminal is the largest in Europe.
Terminal equipment: Exploring hydrogen as an emissions-saving option for terminal equipment in situations where electrification faces challenges. Additionally, enhancing education and training opportunities for employees.
Continuously, the suitability of hydrogen compared to electrified equipment is evaluated at the terminals. This comparison includes technical, operational and economic aspects. The findings are incorporated into a well-founded decision-making process. The goal is efficient use of alternative fuels at the terminals. This not only opens up technological opportunities, but also strengthens the ecological responsibility of terminal operations.

The first steel boxes in Hamburg were handled at HHLA Container Terminal Burchardkai in 1968. Today, the largest facility for container handling handles almost every third container in the Port of Hamburg. 30 container gantry cranes work on the thousands of ships that moor here every year, and several hundred rail wagons are loaded and unloaded every day. The ongoing modernisation programme is gradually increasing both capacity and productivity, making the terminal fit for the largest container ships.
Exploring hydrogen as an emissions-saving alternative for terminal equipment in situations where electrification proves challenging. Additionally, providing enhanced education and training opportunities for employees.
In the cluster, there is an intensive exchange on the use of alternative fuels. The focus is on concrete possibilities for integrating these technologies. Networking with economic partners who offer corresponding products on the market plays a central role. In particular, the ongoing comparison of technical, operational and economic aspects is of interest.

HHLA Container Terminal Tollerort shines with a compact and flexible facility. Van carriers with environmentally friendly drives stack the steel boxes in four tiers and ensure efficient use of space, which is optimised by the terminal’s conversion. Backfilled harbour basins have been opened up for additional storage areas. With new container gantry cranes, the waterside is being made fit for handling the largest container ships.
The hydrogen focus is on the Terminal equipment: Exploring the use of hydrogen as an emissions-saving option in situations where electrification proves challenging. Additionally, enhancing education and training opportunities for employees.
Testing sustainable technologies offers opportunities and the possibility of early integration. In this context, the applicability of hydrogen in terminal operation is continuously evaluated in comparison to electrified equipment variants. The resulting strategic decision contributes to the sustainable development of the container terminal and promotes innovation towards environmentally friendly energy use.

Hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG (HHLA) is a leading European port and transport logistics company. The core business of the company is container handling in seaports and container transport between ports and the German and European hinterland. HHLA also offers a broad spectrum of port, consulting and other services.
HHLA intends to become climate-neutral by 2040 as part of its sustainability strategy. Hydrogen will make an important contribution as an energy source here, also for new jobs. HHLA Hydrogen Network, the innovation cluster Clean Port & Logistics and H2LOAD for retrofitting our heavy machinery at the terminal. The TransHyDE research project and the H2Global Foundation also play an important part on our roadmap. At the end of the day, it’s clear – we’re in the middle of a global transformation.
With Clean Port & Logistics, HHLA has created an innovation cluster to test hydrogen-powered equipment in port logistics. In order to reduce emissions in port handling and the associated logistics chains. With the cluster, HHLA aims to accelerate the technological maturity of the equipment and create a solid basis for decisions on converting to renewable energies.

Together with our clients, we drive operations, innovations and sustainable growth for the port and terminal sectors.
We aim to support the port industry in their journey to net zero. The application of hydrogen, and hence, adapted and new supply chains, have to be tested and implemented and we want to support the industry with our expertise on its path. Combining a particularly operational background and long-standing international experience with a professional and down-to-earth attitude towards operational innovation and state-of-the-art technology, it is our mission to increase our clients’ competitive situation and therefore being at the fore-front of developments around hydrogen applications in ports and terminals.

HSL Technologies, based in Aix-en-Provence in the south of France, has conceived the first carrier to transport and store hydrogen at ambient temperature and pressure in liquid state with a non-organic basis.
Our hydrogen carrier, HydroSil, enables massive hydrogen logistics and solves existing transportation and storage issues. Two associated chemical processes allow to change hydrogen in the carrier and then, once the storage or transportation of the liquid is over, to release hydrogen back in its gaseous form. HydroSil is stable, non-hazardous, non-polluting and recyclable liquid carrier capable of addressing environmental and sustainable development issues, it allows to release hydrogen on demand and use of the same logistics infrastructures.
Providor of logistics solution, HSL Technologies is keen to test its solution in real-life conditions, find partners and future offtakers in heavy-duty mobility, hydrogen storage and transportation, follow closely hydrogen-related reglementation issues and put in place joint projects. All in all, we wish for our solution to be a contribution to Clean Port & Logistics.

Founded in 1963 in Saarland as a company for hydraulic accessories and managed as a family business, HYDAC is now an internationally active company with over 50 national subsidiaries. We develop, produce and distribute pioneering hydraulic components and systems. For some years now, we have been strategically developing the business field of hydrogen and electromobility and are continuously expanding our product portfolio. Today, our innovative products are used in hydrogen and energy generation, filling station and charging infrastructure, mobile machines as well as production and recycling systems.
Many of our customers are discovering the potential of hydrogen. We can already create added value for various applications with our tried and tested products. It is important to us to grow together with our customers to meet new challenges – our interdisciplinary team of experts focuses on innovation and quality.
HYDAC is convinced that the decarbonisation of the port environment is only possible through a combination of H2 and battery electric systems. Together with port operators and equipment manufacturers, we analyse current technical and organisational challenges in the operation of mobile logistics systems and thus develop innovative system solutions.

hySOLUTIONS GmbH is a public-private company with shareholders from the mobility and infrastructure sector, the energy industry and Hamburg’s business community. Founded in 2005, hySOLUTIONS works on the implementation of the mobility turnaround with stakeholders from Hamburg, the metropolitan region and beyond. hySOLUTIONS supports and coordinates the application of fuel cell and hydrogen technology as well as innovative electric drive and supply systems in close coordination with the authorities of the Hamburg Senate. The company is based in Hamburg.
Hamburg has the largest contiguous industrial area in Germany. The special feature here is not only the spatial proximity of port logistics to large-scale industrial plants. A characteristic feature of Hamburg is the focus on basic material processing industries, such as metallurgy (steel, copper, aluminium) or lubricants, oil and other chemical products. All of these highly industrialised companies have in common that they can use regeneratively produced hydrogen within their production processes and thus significantly reduce their carbon footprint. This is not just a question of technical feasibility, but also of product quality and, above all, of the economic efficiency of the use of the technology.
Although shipping is the most efficient mode of transport in terms of energy consumption, the large-scale use of heavy oil as a fuel leads to emissions of greenhouse gases, nitrogen and sulphur oxides as well as particulate matter. In addition to the IMO’s postulated greenhouse gas strategies, the European Commission has the goal of reducing energy consumption on ships by 75% by 2050. At the same time, great efforts are also needed to achieve climate neutrality for ports. hySOLUTIONS sees the CPL as an important step towards this.

Hyster-Yale Group is a global manufacturer of container handlers, lift trucks, and warehouse equipment. EMEA headquarters for the company, are in Frimley, UK.
The group is developing Battery Electric and Fuel Cell Electric powered port equipment, including Empty Container Handlers, ReachStackers, Laden Container Handlers and Terminal Tractors. The engineering development centre and manufacturing plant based in Nijmegen are taking the lead in providing zero-emissions port equipment solutions. Sister company Nuvera Fuel Cells provides Fuel Cell engines used in port equipment and other types of heavy vehicles such as busses.
Hydrogen will be used to power our range of Fuel Cell Electric port equipment at terminals around the globe. The Clean Ports Cluster is will be a catalyst for the transition to zero-emissions as we need the holistic approach to drive the innovation. The transition requires all parties in the port to work in parallel to speed up the implementation of zero-emissions solutions.

Kalmar offers a wide range of cargo handling solutions and services to ports, terminals, distribution centres and to heavy industry. Kalmar is the industry forerunner in terminal automation and in energy efficient container handling, with one in four container movements around the globe being handled by a Kalmar solution. Through its extensive product portfolio, global service network and ability to enable a seamless integration of different terminal processes, Kalmar improves the efficiency of every move.
We focus on hydrogen as one alternative drive technology for our machines. Kalmar welcomes the initiative of HHLA and the city Hamburg to invest into the future technology hydrogen and bring the harbor players to the table. We share the common goal to decarbonize heavy-duty transport. We hope to exchange our own knowledge with our industry partners and by doing so enhance our own expertise and the one of others.

Konecranes Noell GmbH, a company of the globally operating Konecranes Group. Konecranes Noell GmbH is based in Würzburg. Konecranes Noell GmbH specialises in the development, manufacture and service of straddle carriers for container terminals worldwide.
Hydrogen will be used as an energy source for the operation of our container handling equipment, initially for straddle carriers, but also for other Konecranes’ diesel-powered equipment. We are committed to providing our customers with environmentally friendly and sustainable products and services, which includes minimising harmful emissions. By participating in the cluster, we underline this commitment and support the introduction of zero-emission energy sources in our industry.

As a producer of green hydrogen, we accompany the entire process from design to product. We not only plan the development of industrial production sites for green hydrogen, but also manage the production process after site acquisition and realise the logistics to the customer. By linking to existing renewable energy sources, we offer municipalities and industry an immediate impetus towards the energy transition.
To establish suitable hydrogen ecosystems, Lhyfe also creates the appropriate hydrogen infrastructure – including the construction of pipelines and hydrogen filling stations. Currently, there are about 90 projects with a total capacity of 4.8 GW in the commercial pipeline. Current project partners of Lhyfe include Deutsche Bahn, Siemens Mobility, LIDL, PlugPower and numerous industry giants.
Lhyfe develops custom-fit commercial supply concepts for the respective application areas and thus supports industry and municipalities in decarbonising their processes and achieving their climate goals. In the CPL cluster, we want to work together with partners to develop specific solutions for port logistics and develop a deep understanding of the challenges and requirements.

Lübecker Hafen-Gesellschaft mbH (LHG) operates the public ports in the Hanseatic City of Lübeck and is Germany’s largest ro-ro port operator on the Baltic Sea. Our company is majority-owned by the Hanseatic City of Lübeck (100%) and employs around 750 people.
LHG operates four port terminals along the river Trave with 18 jetties and a total area of 165 hectares. In addition to its core business of port handling, stevedoring and warehousing, the LHG, as a modern logistics group, offers a wide range of services together with its subsidiaries and holdings. More than 23 million tonnes of goods are handled at our terminals every year. These include rolling cargo such as trucks and semi-trailers, containers, forestry products (paper, pulp, timber), steel, new vehicles, but also bulk goods such as fertilisers or building materials.
LHG is using hydrogen in different ways:
- Technical further development of industrial trucks, Tugmasters, PickyPackers, large forklifts towards hydrogen.
- Own generation possible through PV with electrolyser ->independent energy supply.
- H2: as an alternative to diesel (possible elimination of port diesel from approx. 2024/25)
- Measures to achieve the “FIT FOR 55” climate targets
The motivation to take part in the cluster is to connect and build up a network with a large field of interest.

METRANS is one of the market leaders with a one-stop solution for intermodal transports. We do what it takes to take sea container ships further to inland Europe and to connect numerous intermodal terminals with our shuttle trains. METRANS Rail (Deutschland) GmbH as part of the METRANS Group is the German rail transport company.
METRANS intends to utilize hydrogen in its modern hybrid and electric locomotives to enhance their efficiency and reduce emissions, aligning with the company’s commitment to sustainable transportation solutions. Investigating new drive options for the future is an important task today. At the same time, participation in this cluster opens up the opportunity for us to contribute to making transports more environmentally friendly in the future. We have always tried out new ideas in the past and want to stick to them.

Mitsui & Co., Ltd. is a global trading and investment company in Japan with a diversified business portfolio in several sectors, including energy, infrastructure (incl. ports), mobility, machinery, logistics, chemicals, mineral & metal resources, iron & steel products and others.
Mitsui has about 5,500 employees and deploys talent across 129 offices in 63 countries and regions to identify, develop and grow businesses in collaboration with a global network of trusted partners.
Hydrogen has been identified as one the key growth areas in the next generation energy and sustainability initiatives. Mitsui’s hydrogen strategy covers participation in regional supply and demand creation including heavy-duty mobility and industrial sectors in short-/mid-term, and developing large scale international clean hydrogen/ammonia/e‑methanol value chain in the long-term.
Mitsui is keen to explore the technical and commercial feasibility of various low-carbon and zero-emission technologies and applications in cargo-handling, logistics and maritime sectors.

Neltume Ports is a company part of the Ultramar Group and is dedicated to the development and operation of port terminals. Neltume Ports currently owns and operates 17 terminals in Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Brazil and the United States.
We are developing the decarbonisation strategy of our current and future operations, where we believe hydrogen will play a significant role along with electrification and other renewable energy sources. We would like to analyse the feasibility of incorporating this technology in our different mobile and stationary equipment. Neltume Ports will also strive to form part of the hydrogen supply chain as a port operator in the medium-short term.
We believe that cooperation between the different actors in the green hydrogen chain is key for the industry to develop and become a pillar for achieving global climate goals. This is why we want to be part of the study in order to contribute to this objective and at the same time to understand the characteristics, risks and benefits of incorporating green hydrogen in our operations.

Seehafen Kiel GmbH & Co. KG is one of the most versatile ports in the Baltic Sea region. Its geographic location, consistently deep water and direct connection to the rail and motorway network make the port equally attractive for cargo handling and passenger traffic. Seehafen Kiel GmbH&Co. KG offers state-of-the-art terminal infrastructure for cruise tourism, RoRo or RoPax liner services and pure cargo customers.
The SEEHAFEN KIEL GmbH & Co. KG (PORT OF KIEL) is the owner of the public facilities and infrastructure in the commercial port. It is responsible for the development of the port, investments and expansion as well as for the maintenance of the facilities. PORT OF KIEL also operates Kiel Airport and a public port railway infrastructure. The company is a wholly owned subsidiary of the City of Kiel and has three subsidiaries and associated companies.
The Port of Kiel GmbH & Co. KG is interested in different possible applications of hydrogen. We see concrete application possibilities on the one hand as an alternative fuel drive in shipping, and on the other hand to power our port handling equipment as an alternative to the electric drive of these machines. However, we would also be interested in the possibility of producing hydrogen from surplus electricity, hydrogen handling in our port in general (if interesting) as well as discussing hydrogen usage possibilities in aviation (small-scale application possibilities as part of our subsidiary, Flughafen Kiel GmbH).
To exchange experiences with companies that develop hydrogen applications, supply hydrogen or already use hydrogen in their company, and to discuss and develop application possibilities and scenarios in our port with them. Gain knowledge through test applications of hydrogen in the port environment at HHLA’s hydrogen test field.

The Port of Los Angeles is one of the busiest seaports in the world and the leading gateway for international trade in North America. The Port of Los Angeles, a division of the City of Los Angeles, is located in San Pedro Bay, 25 miles south of downtown Los Angeles, California, USA.
The Port of Los Angeles intends to use hydrogen in its main mobile sources of cargo transportation (ships, trucks, trains, cargo handling equipment and port vehicles), but initially in heavy-duty vehicles and cargo handling equipment. The Port of Los Angeles is motivated to participate in the cluster to obtain and share information on hydrogen production, delivery and end-use.

RWE Generation SE is a subsidiary of RWE AG, one of the world’s leading energy companies, and employs over 3,000 people. Among other things, the company generates electricity from gas, water and biomass, operates large-scale battery storage facilities and combines RWE’s hydrogen expertise in the HydrogenHub, which now has more than 300 colleagues.
As a global producer of green electricity, we supply major industrial customers and regional energy suppliers. One focus of our activities is the development of new business areas, which go hand in hand with the expansion targets for global green electricity production. These include innovative battery storage projects and the development of a multinational hydrogen economy.
The cluster enables us to better understand the requirements for hydrogen supply in port facilities and to get to know the areas of application even better. The results of the cluster contribute to a holistic view of the topic of hydrogen. Based on this, supply concepts can be derived.

Since 1858, the universal terminal of the handling company C. Steinweg (Süd-West Terminal) GmbH & Co. KG has been located on Kamerunkai in the Port of Hamburg. The focus of its business activities is the stevedoring and warehousing of conventional general cargo as well as the handling of containers and a wide variety of commodities. Among other things, metals, coffee, cocoa, paper as well as project cargoes and containers are stored in a certified exchange warehouse at the terminal. The range of services also includes goods inspection, sampling, repackaging, testing, gassing and customs clearance.
As a company that has historically grown its service activities in the direct vicinity of the residential area of Hamburg’s Hafencity, we would primarily like to equip or retrofit our fleet of industrial trucks with hydrogen drives. On the one hand, we expect a significant reduction in our emissions and, on the other hand, ideal feasibility in terms of 24-hour operation. Against the backdrop of growing environmental awareness, we also want to do our part and accordingly reduce our emissions sustainably and significantly. In doing so, we want to contribute to a green future for future generations.

Institute of Environmental Engineering and Energy Economics (IUE), Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH).
Hydrogen research activities in the field of sustainable energy systems, including the techno-economic evaluation of hydrogen supply chains and hydrogen applications as well as the modelling and analysis of PtL processes.
As the Institute for Environmental Technology and Energy Economics at TUHH, participation in the cluster is very attractive to work on hydrogen applications in the port in direct cooperation with all partners in a practical project, to mutually benefit from the knowledge of the partners, and ultimately to map, analyse and scientifically evaluate the green port of tomorrow in an overall model based on real operating data.
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