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Hamburg Hosts General Assembly of Clean Port & Logistics Cluster

Last week, the Gene­ral Assem­bly of our Clean Port & Logi­stics inno­va­ti­on clus­ter took place in Ham­burg. Tog­e­ther with part­ners across dif­fe­rent bran­ches, we at HHLA work on explo­ring the inte­gra­ti­on of hydro­gen-powered and other decar­bo­ni­s­ing equip­ment in port logistics.

During the assem­bly, we enga­ged in fruitful dis­cus­sions about ongo­ing acti­vi­ties and reflec­ted on signi­fi­cant pro­gress. One of the key mile­sto­nes cele­bra­ted was the ope­ning of a test field for hydro­gen-powered port ope­ra­ti­ons at our Con­tai­ner Ter­mi­nal Tol­ler­ort in Ham­burg. This deve­lo­p­ment marks a signi­fi­cant step for­ward in our mis­si­on to decar­bo­ni­se the logi­stics industry.

The assem­bly pro­vi­ded a plat­form for part­ners to show­ca­se their inno­va­ti­ve con­cepts, fos­te­ring col­la­bo­ra­ti­on and the exch­an­ge of ide­as. The enthu­si­asm and com­mit­ment demons­tra­ted by all par­ti­ci­pan­ts unders­core the poten­ti­al of hydro­gen and elec­tri­ci­ty in trans­forming port logi­stics. As we look to the future, we are eager to see more inno­va­tions in action, dri­ving the indus­try towards a sus­tainable and car­bon-neu­tral future. Our coll­ec­ti­ve efforts are paving the way for a clea­ner, gree­ner logi­stics sector.

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